Sunday, May 31, 2009

Taking it easy

Sunday 31st May

I have been told to expect many people from the UK in the West, particularly in Perth, but I am astounded how many people speak with a UK accent over here. Just about everyone we meet, and most of them campers here are from Perth, speaks like a Pom.
Ilse has spent time doing many loads of washing and our caravan looks like a Chinese Laundry. Once our warm clothes are clean, we will put them away and stick to shorts and T-shirts.
The rugged West Coast was our exploration target today and we were rewarded with some great beaches, rock pools and most interesting rock formations which make up this ancient landscape.
On one particular beach, just to the South of Kalbarri, we found the local surfies performing their highly skilled art. Around half a dozen dolphins could be seen hanging out just a few meters from the surfers and they also attempted to ride the wave with the surfers but didn't quite get there due to a lack of surfboard.
The beautiful temperature of 25°C was very enjoyable today and we even had our first go, with our fishing rods, at feeding the local fish population. One little Tailor got hooked up but was returned to water so we can catch him again when he grows up.
We had the second half of yesterday's pink snapper fillets for dinner and then sent the kids to bed as they were clearly over excited and in need of some rest.
We'll stay in put here in Kalbarri for another day, (Monday which is a public holiday in WA) but on Tuesday we'll make tracks and head to Denham.

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