Friday, August 14, 2009

Back to the famous Vanilla Slice

Friday 14th August 2009
The night in the Adelaide Hills was rather cold but we survived it in our warm sleeping bags.
We had a leisurely morning, rising fairly late and having a slow breakfast and shower. By the time we were on the road it was 10:30am but we weren't planning on covering a great distance.
Driving through the green Adelaide Hills was very pleasant on this nice and sunny morning. We went all the way to a little place called Sherlock where we turned North for a little place called Karoonda. Don and Joy, a couple we met on our Neap Tide Cruise, came out to greet us and we had our picnic lunch at their place. They had just arrived home from Broome a couple of hours before we dropped in and were still unpacking their caravan. We had a good chat about both our trips and arranged to meet again in the future. By 2pm we were back on the road heading straight for Lameroo where we refuelled and about an hour later we crossed from South Australia into Victoria. From all the state crossings we have seen on our trip this was the smallest and most unimpressive, I almost went past it without noticing that we were now back in our home state.
Just on sunset we rolled into Ouyen, the place who lays claim to Victoria's best Vanilla Slice. We had some when we passed through three month ago and we loved it, so our first stop was the Malley Bakery but they had sold out. Our second option was the service station and we were in luck there.
The caravan park was almost empty, compared to three month ago, and we parked on the same site we had on our previous visit.
Before settling in for the night I removed the Jerry can from the roof and filled the car with the Diesel purchased in Wyndham WA. I also removed the Jerry Can holder in preparation for our arrival at home so we can fit the car in the garage. We enjoyed the famous Ouyen Vanilla Slice for our dessert and then hit the sack so we are well rested for the final part of our journey tomorrow.

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